Gustavo Silva

Why I decided to co-fund a Bitcoin audoDCA

September 12, 2020 | 1 Minute Read

It has been two years since I last wrote a blog post, a lot of things have changed, I left the AppCoins project to join BMW DLT team.

The 2017/18 Crypto bull run left a sour taste, for one side I got to learn a new technology, on the other I felt as if nothing big came out of it. Bitcoin and Ethereum were leading the way, making it seem like both projects were the future and the ones to bet on. Bitcoin, on one side, was the stable project, it had just released the lightning network and kept its premise of being a store of value, like it had been from the past 8 years. As for Ethereum, the project was everywhere, creating a token for everything and everybody, from tokens that you could use to go the dentist, to tokens that could be used to purchase online courses, solar energy, etc. If you are reading this and do not those tokens, do not worry, they went no where.

The only case that still holds today us Crypto currency as a store of value. Bitcoin is the new gold.

I have since stopped betting on every coin in the hopes that it will dethrones Bitcoin and started acquiring every month at least 100€ worth of Bitcoin I want to help You invest in the same way format as I did, in the easiest way possible. This is why I joined